Cornell & Diehl is one of the most heralded pipe tobacco manufacturers in the United States that specializes in blending the finest smoking tobaccos the old fashioned way - in small batches, by hand! Their blends are known and sought out all over the world, whether it be our own mixtures or those they manufacture for others. The success of Cornell & Diehl can be attributed to their unflagging faith in the original principles they established over 120 years ago — producing the finest quality tobaccos was, is, and always will be their goal and guiding star. Their job is composing and creating enjoyable blends — whether the pipe smoker at the other end favors a heavy English, a hearty American Burley, a crowd-pleasing Aromatic, or a straight Virginia. So that's what they make day in, day out, batch by batch, complex or simple, bulk or tinned: quality pipe tobaccos, done right.